Thursday, May 1, 2008

Asalaam maalekum!

Where on earth has the time gone? It's so hard to believe that it's May already.

I've been really busy with school lately (lots of final exams and papers to write).

I've been trying to take advantage of the little time I have left to spend time with my host family and go out and see/do things downtown.

Yesterday was my last CIEE class ever. After class I went with some friends to go visit Ryan in the hospital.

Yes, hospital. Ryan broke his leg during the weekend - but he's improving very quickly and is in very good care. His mom came to be with him and they are headed home this weekend. For those of you who pray - I'm sure that your prayers for a quick recovery would be appreciated.

Today some friends of mine came over and we had a dance party. My dad DJ-ed for us (he has an enormous cd collection - as well as a really nice sound system). It was a lot of fun.

That's about it for now. Not a whole lot planned for this weekend besides preparing for finals.

Jamm ak jamm,


Dannielle said...

Oooh... I am so sorry to heard about Ryan. He will be in my prayers.
I will also be thinking about you next week as you have finals...

Have a great one and I will talk to you soon.


Connie said...

I too am sorry to hear about Ryan and will be praying for him. Did he fall out of a baobab tree...? I'll be praying for good recall and clear thinking for your finals. Enjoy every last moment. See you soon!
Love, mom

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Where has the time gone? I can't believe we picked Emily up from IU this past weekend, and that her freshman year, and your time in Senegal is over. It flew by for me (did it for you?). I have read every one of your blog entries and really enjoyed learning about your life there. Thanks so much for sharing.
Donna Mohler