Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My hair is braided!

My sisters worked on it over the weekend and I must say that considering how hard it is to braid my hair they did a wonderful job.

The trip to Goree Island was really interesting.
There are two very contradicting parts that go along with Goree:
On the one hand you have a very sad and horrific history that belongs there, but at the same time the Island is absolutely beautiful (probably the prettiest thing I've seen in Senegal so far)and there are craftsmen everywhere selling everything imaginable from towels to bracelets to art.

Vising the slave house had more of an impact on me once I had left the Island and started reflecting on what actually happened there. For me personally it was too chaotic (there were TONS of French tourists everywhere) to really comprehend what I was looking at while I was there.

By far the most profound thing I saw there was the "door of no return."
For the slaves leaving on the ships, this was literally the last bit of their continent that they ever saw.

There really isn't much to say after that, so I think I'll end here for now.
I'll try to get more pictures up soon.

Ba beneen yoon,


Connie said...

I love it! You look fantastic! My compliments to your sisters. Love you bunches.

B.Mullett said...

I think it looks wonderful, your sisters worked hard and looks good.Enjoy it.Love, G. & G. Mullett

Katie said...

Sweet! Your hair is pretty cool. I'm glad you're having a good time and learning about/experiencing the culture. Hopefully I'll get to talk to you on Monday!
